Upload SASS generated files with PhpStorm

CSS Oct 28, 2017

With a file watcher, you can generate SASS files automatically (on every change). Unfortunately, these generated files do no trigger the upload to the development server.

I really like to develop a PHP website with JetBrains PhpStorm. You can easily set up to upload every changed file to your webserver. This is a nice feature, especially if you do the styling part and don't have the possibility for a local development setup. I prefer SASS instead of pure CSS. The FileWatcher in PhpStorm generates the CSS file automatically. The problem is, that the automatic upload mechanism does not recognize it by default. So, the change is not visible on your website and you don't see the new styling.

How can I change this?

It is just one checkbox to activate, but not that obvious to find.

Just go to File -> Settings or press CTRL + ALT + S. Search for "Deployment" and switch to the Build, Execution, Deployment -> Deployment -> Options Tab. Tick the checkbox "Upload external changes".

With this set, all generated files (like the files of SASS) will be uploaded to your webserver.

Tested on:

  • JetBrains PhpStorm: 2017.2.4




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